ManilaFights started its activities almost two years ago and during this time it has grown a lot in terms of videos, visitors, customers and fans.

Still, there’s not much communication going on and the main updates to the site happen every few months only, when new videos are released. Sometimes our users would like to know what’s going on near our wrestling mats, when are we going to release new videos and which new tournaments are being filmed.

We are trying to answer these questions using our new tools:

  • our recently introduced newsletter: you can receive an email when a major update is done on the site, usually when a new video is available. This is a low-traffic newletter, it won’t have more than one post per month
  • and, of course, this brand new blog ! The blog is going to be updated more frequently, so you can be informed about major and minor news, rumors and other interesting things going on at ManilaFights

Now there are no more excuses for not staying in touch, so come back here often !